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Characteristics of the German Shepherd Dog

  • German Shepherds isn't the breed for you if you're away from home frequently or for long periods of time. When left alone they can become anxious or bored, and are likely to express their worry in ways you don't like - barking, chewing, and digging.

  • The German Shepherd is an active and intelligent dog. They must be kept busy learning, playing, and working. Daily exercise, both physical (such as jogging and playing) and mental (such as training sessions), is a must.

  • German Shepherds can be aloof and suspicious of strangers. To raise a social and well-behaved dog, expose your  German Shepherd puppy to many experiences, places, and people. Obedience training is important to teach him/her basic canine manners.

  • These dogs shed, shed, shed - in fact, their nickname is the "German shedder". Brush him/her several times a week and buy a good vacuum. You'll definitely need it.

  • They've got a reputation for being great watchdogs and they are, but the German Shepherd should never be chained or tethered just to stand guard. No dog should! It leads to frustration and aggression. The German Shepherd is happiest living indoors with the family, but with access to a large, fenced yard, where he/she can burn off some of their natural energy.

  • To get a healthy dog, never buy a puppy from an irresponsible breeder, look for reputable breeders who test  their breeding dogs to make sure they're free of genetic diseases that they might pass onto the puppies, and that they have sound temperaments.

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